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Transition To Fall!

Hello My Fellow Gardening Queens,

The leaves are falling. The fall decor and pumpkins are being put out. The days are getting shorter. The weather is getting cooler with some warm days mixed in. AND my garden is having a revival after the brutal sumner heat! The okra is budding! I have red and green peppers, eggplant, some funny shaped cucumbers , cantaloupe, baby cabbage, turnips, cherry tomatoes galore , and my thyme has started to bud again. I still have my fall garden seedlings in pots while I enjoy this transitional harvest.

In growing zone 7B/8A, where I'm located, we may not get our first frost until the end of this year or the beginning of next year. So, I may have a while to enjoy theses crops. The sun did a number on my summer and zucchini squash. So, I have that area in my garden where I can start to put some of my fall plants. I'm sure the transition from summer to fall gardening doesn't happen at the same time for everyone. What are you doing? Are you planting a fall garden? If so, how's the transition going. If not, what are yoyr plans to prepare the soil for spring crops? Do you think it's good to let your soil rest from time to time? I'd love to hear from you and I'm sure others would, too.

Oh, and Coming Soon to the Black Girls Garden website: A variety of non-GMO bulbs and sprouts, including onions, potatoes, asparagus, garlic, strawberries, several kinds of flower bulbs, and more. These items will be in limited quantities. So, you will want to hop right on them. Because, when there're gone, they are gone. This is just one of the many opportunities that I have been and hope to continue seeking out for you, the awesome members of Black Girls Garden™️.

If you have completed the conference survey, don't forget to do so, as today is a he last day to complete it. September 30, 2023.

As always, Be Kind and Happy Gardening!


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