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You And Your Garden Are Unique

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hello My Fellow Gardening Queens!

 I hope you’re having a great week!  I found 2 of these decorative metal containers while I was rummaging through an 80% off clearance rack of gardening items, at a local store.  This is one of my favorite things to do, as I’m a bargain shopper.  I got 2 bird baths, a wind chime, and these pots all for $6 or less.😀 I find lots of plants that way, too.  But, enough about that.

The words on the  containers Family, Garden, and Love, caught my attention.  Each of these things are important to me.  But, there are some other things that I would add.  One that is particularly important to me is Faith.  What would you add to your list?  Feel free to share it, if you would like to do so.

I would bet you that each of your lists would have something unique on them or at least the order that they would ranked might be different.  That’s because we are all unique and I’m so glad we are.  Can you imagine what a boring world it would be if we were all the same?

This is not only applicable to ourselves, but is so for our gardens, too.  Some of you may have gardens that are very organized and labeled, while others just randomly put out seeds and wait to see what comes up.  Some may do organic gardening, with expensive seeds, while others save seeds, or buy theirs from the local discount store.  Some may make their garden additives from household items, while others prefer to buy theirs a local hardware store.  Along the same lines, some strictly grow fruits and vegetable, whiles others only grow houseplants or have flower gardens, and others do a combination of them all.

The way you grow it and what you grow is totally up to you and your unique preferences.  AND guess what???  None of us is wrong.  You don’t have to grow what someone else grows or do it exactly like anyone else does it.  Your garden should be UNIQUE  TO YOU.  So, my Fellow Lady Gardeners, let’s strive to avoid the tendency to compare ourselves and our gardens to others to the point that we begin to minimize our own accomplishments and uniqueness.  Each of you and your gardens are beautiful and unique!  So, let’s straighten our crowns and those of our Black Girls Garden sisters, who may need a little help with theirs., and carry on.

Please share your comments or thoughts.

As always, Be Kind and Happy Gardening!  ❤️


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